When a vehicle moves from one owner to another, you have to lock in the right company card. Usually, the dealer will take care of this when he delivers the vehicle to the (new) owner. But it’s easily forgotten. Especially when we’re talking about rental vehicles. Driving around with the wrong settings can cause serious trouble en the risk on fines is high.
How to lock in company card: VDO Tachographs
Lock in
- Put the company card in the tachograph
- If the company card isn’t locked in yet, the tachograph will ask you if you would like to lock the company card in. Simply confirm with Enter to lock the company card in.
Lock out
- Put the company card in the tachograph
- If the company card is locked in, the tachograph will ask you if you would like to lock the company card out. Simply confirm with Enter to lock the company card out.
Note: if the tachograph is already locked to a company card and you want to lock another company card in, the first company card will be locked out automatically.
How to lock in company card: Stoneridge Tachographs
Lock in
- Put the company card in the tachograph en press Enter
- Scroll down to “Company Card Lock” and press Enter
- Scroll to “Lock in” and press Enter
Lock out
- Put the company card in the tachograph en press Enter
- Scroll down to “Company Card Lock” and press Enter
- Scroll to “Lock out” and press Enter
Note: if the tachograph is already locked to a company card and you want to lock another company card in, the first company card will be locked out automatically.
Company card lock in with rental vehicles
When you rent a vehicle for a specific period you are, as the renter, responsible for the tachograph data on the vehicle’s tachograph. Just like with the vehicles your company owns, you need to download, save and check the data on infringements.
As the renter, you need to make sure that your company card is locked in properly. In other words: you need to connect your company card to the tachograph. This is the only way to register all data in compliance with the tachograph rules. The rental company is exempted from the tachograph rules while the vehicle is rented.
Also, when the vehicle is returned to the rental company, the company card needs to be locked out. This one is easy to forget but really important.
Never risk any tachograph fines again!
Get started with analysing your tachograph files with the FleetGO all-in-one tacho solution. Never miss an infringement again!
Chances of getting invested are higher than ever!
Tachograph fines if wrong company card is locked
If you’ve not locked the right company card to the tachograph, you are missing important data in your tachograph archive. The fines can add up fast. Read more about tachograph fines.
Remote Tacho Download
The Remote Tacho Download solution from FleetGO enables the reading obligation for a whole fleet to be fulfilled automatically. In addition to the security of automatic storage, there is the additional data analysis option. It is also important that it is easy to meet the monitoring obligation on a daily basis.
IMPORTANT: This is just a short guide. Every driver or company must always rely on the complete legal document.
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